Advice on SUT for Koetsu Rosewood - EAR MC-4, Slagle/EMIA, other

I recently tried a friend's Sound Traditions Hashimoto hm7 transformer-based sut and overall the sound was substantially more Dynamic and alive and generally better than my current Berning preamp MC section. The problem was the images were just so large and the presentation a little too forward for my tastes. I am thinking a different Sut such as the EAR MC- 4 or an Intact Audio (Slagle) Step Up Transformer, copper.

Has anyone used these Sut's and could advise about whether they might do what I'm looking for? I'm hoping to add more dynamics and life but I do prefer a slightly laid-back presentation to a forward one and I don't want giant instruments in the soundstage. I listen to mostly old Jazz and Blues with some rock and classical mixed in. I am not looking for the last word in in treble detail or "air" and my biggest sonic priorities are organic , rich mids, good sounstaging, and a realistic tonal balance that does not accentuate the top end as so many components seem to do (IMHO). So I guess I am looking for a sut with a reputation for musicality and richness, without javing a forward sound. But I would love somethng as amazing sounding as the Hashimoto HM-7 based SUT.

My system is a Koetsu Rosewood Signature (.4mv), Jelco 850M on a Sota Star Sapphire, Berning all-tube bespoke capacitance coupled preamp (46 dB gain on the MM stage, Jensen transformers on the moving coil stage), Quicksilver v4 monos, Verity Audio Pafisals.

Thanks for any thoughts.


Showing 6 responses by chakster

I like Luxman toroidal silver SUTs AD8000 from the 70's, they are great, 3 different SUTs made to cover all cartridges, i'm using TYPE-8025 and 8030, to chose one you need to know your cartridge impedance (not output). There are many more amazing SUTs from the 70's/80's and all of them are normally much better priced compared to new SUTs.  

 47K is a silly value for the input of a phono stage when considering a SUT. Selecting a turns ratio on the reflected load of that 47K is misguided.

I install a 300K at the input of my LR phono and I believe shindo used 100K so no everyone adheres to that antiquated 47K value.

Very Interesting.
I can confirm that higher load resistor value in MM input for SUT is harmless, at least to for my ears. I was concerned about it simply because most of my MM phono stages already upgraded with 100k Ohm Vishay instead of some cheap stock 47k Ohm resistors manufacturers installed by default in MM input. But i was a bit afraid to use SUT since 47k Ohm recommended, not 100k Ohm. However, i tried and it was OK. 

Actually it's a good news. 
Luckily my favorite JLTi phono stage was upgraded by the manufacturer upon my request too (internal resistors is 500k Ohm), so i can use parallel RCA plug resistors of 47k Ohm (or 100k Ohm), i can go even higher if needed. The only problem is that i don't have higher than 100k at the moment, but i could buy to try. The reason why i like this JLTi phono stage so much is the flexibility and convenience.

Which the above answers my thoughts that in the ideal world the SUT would be built and tailored exactly to the cartridge in question.
Makes it a bit of a pain if you swap carts a lot though......

I can just swap SUTs for almost any LOMC because smart manufacturers like Luxman made at least 3 different toroidal silver plug-in SUTs for one base connected to the arm and phono stage, very easy to swap in 5 seconds. On that page you see 2 of them, but there was actually one more in the middle (8025 for 3-40 Ohm). There is a SUT for any situation, for carts under 3 Ohm, for carts over 3 Ohm til 40 Ohm, for carts over 40 Ohm. But most of my favorite LOMC are all low impedance, anything from 0.17 mV works fine. 

Any modern manufacturer can offer something like that ?
@mijostyn i think we have many good SUTs available today, but the prices are sick for many of them. An old japanese SUTs are great and very cheap compared to modern SUTs, so i’m happy with my Luxman 3 in one.
I tried to modify my WLM Phonata Reference phono stage by replacing the built-in SUTs. I gave up, because they are smaller than usual, maybe i will do that when i will find a better SUTs of the same size to fit in, the closest are 1:10 Lundahl SUTs that can be ordered directly from Sweden. This brand is one of the oldest SUTs manufacturer.
Regarding the reviews for various SUTs you will find a lot on Arthur Salvatore's site, he praise ZYX CPP-1 headamp and prefers it over many SUTs.