Advice on speakers-amp-music pairing

This is my first post as a member of the 'Gon although I've been skulking around here for a while now. I wanted to know if anyone can help me with choosing the right amp for my musical tastes.
Equipment consists of:
B&W CDM 7NT speakers
Anthem AVM-20 pre/pro/tuner
Pioneer Elite DV-45A DVD-A/V, SACD, CD player
(Currently using an old Onkyo receiver for amplification)
Musical tastes consist of:
Glitch, EBM, IDM, Darkwave, Synthpop, Electro, Ambient
(i.e. Autechre, Gridlock, VNV Nation, Statemachine, etc.)
The music is very electronic with a moderate amt. of vocals and I'm worried about pairing my B&W's with an amp that's going to be too warm (as the B&W's sound beautifully warm already). I've been considering the Odyssey Stratos, Rotel, and Anthem. Looking to spend about $1k and am wondering if I'm looking at the right amps. Should I be looking at Krell (expensive!) or what? Any help would be great! Thanks!
Jacobpowers: I would assmue you'll get many other ideas also.The Threshold has a tank like build Quality with a unique non-solid state like sound.
This Vintage Threshold ( s -series ) was one of the real great amps of the past...At the time I was also looking at Macintosh ,Krell and I never looked back with the Purchase of the Threshold...
Thanks Thorman! I'll certainly look into the Threshold and the Bryston. I've read amazing things about Bryston and was considering them as well but I wasn't sure about the pairing and how it would work for what I wanted. The search continues!
I can tell you that I ran a Threshold s/300 for years and was a perfect match for the B&W ( 801 series 2). Just the right amount of bite ,but not bright. Most good quality used s/300 Thresholds are right around your price range. Another I would consider is a used Bryston ( 4 NRB, I think it is ) Good luck