Advice on Setting Up System After Storage

Curious as to anyone's advice on setting up your system after it has been in storage. Reason for storage is that we moved across the country and belongings have been in storage for the last 7 months. I personnally disassembled and packed everything in their original cartons. Am curious as to break in times. Will everything have to go through an extended break in period before the system begins to sound wonderful again. System consist of Rowland, Sonus Faber, Clearaudio, Benz Micro, ZYX, and Siltech. Thanks for your input. Dave
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Hello Elizabeth,

Thanks for the note and advice. Agreed, the system has not been in storage for a long time. Biggest issue was moving during the winter and the travel over the mtns. Needless to say things got pretty cold in the trailer according to the driver. My thoughts are that the cables will take the longest time to break in. My local audio store where we use to live thought things should move ok with the proper packing. All things being equal and knowing how these items are usually shipped they should survive the move pretty well.
Hello Dave,

Agree with your advice as well. Most likely we will be busy unpacking everything else before I even get to the system. Will probably take a couple of days. Biggest issue will be placing the speakers and finding the right spot for tuning them in. Any suggestions, or just use my ears as I always have.

Agreed Bob,

As Tom Petty says, "The Waiting Is the Hardest Part", but the spouse will set the priorities. With respect to Casey Jones, I always enjoy giving my kids a start by playing the Power & the Majesty first thing in the morning to get them up. Either that or the canon shot and bells from the 1812 Overture.