Hello, You may want to consider the Kora line of integrateds if you can find one. They are French made and sound awesome in most systems. I really like the Kora Design 30, which uses El-34's and 12au7's. They made one called the Mercury, which is EL-84 based and about 10wpc more. It came in an remote version as well. You can find more information on www.kora.net. The fellas at Kora are easy to deal with as well. They are true engineers and not a bunch of sales-hacks.
The previous suggestion for the Rogue Audio Tempest is a good one as well. They do go used for 1200 to 1800 bucks though. Well worth the money and you get a bit more power.
Good Luck,
The previous suggestion for the Rogue Audio Tempest is a good one as well. They do go used for 1200 to 1800 bucks though. Well worth the money and you get a bit more power.
Good Luck,