Advice on first HT equipment and setup.

First of all I am a total newbie when it comes to HT. I have been a two channel analog guy for the last 30 yrs. I have no intentions of dismantling my two channel system to make room for an HT system. My two channel stays on one side of the cabinet and the HT will be on the other. When I want to watch a movie my thinking is to simply pull the bananas from my L/R speaker (two channel amp) and plug into the HT receiver. I'm not looking to break the bank here...I already did that with my 2 channel stuff. Looking to pick-up a good used receiver and DVD player. I will also need a center and two rear speakers. My room is 16x24x8high. Budget $2500. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by saki70

Freddy50; A couple of things :
1. Do not omit the center channel speaker ! It is , IMO the most important speaker for HT . Probably 75% of the movie will come from this speaker !
2. You said that you don't want to break the bank so here goes... try Axiom center channel and rear dipole surround speakers . I had these mated with my Electra 926's and they matched rather well ! Quite inexspensive and work well for HT , just don't try to use them for music .
I bought these from this Canadian company's "blem" stock .
They are only a wood look vinyl laminate but it is quite nice and I could not see any blemish ! These three speakers should be in the 600 - 700 dollar range total new .
I was driving them with an Onkyo H/T receiver . The Onkyo was A/B'd against Pioneer and Harmon Kardon , in my system , and sounded the best . The new ones will offer HDMI connection and work with HD and Blueray DVD formats . They start at around $550 and go up giving you more power ,
HDMI connections and other features . That would leave you with @ 700 dollars for a DVD player , cables ( rat shack , blue jean etc.) and shipping .
3. You have not mentioned a sub-woofer . Again , IMO this will be an important speaker for H/T use . You will need that chest thumping , dish rattling effect to round out your H/T experience ! It does make a difference . If you didn't go crazy on the DVD player you might have enough left to purchase a 12" sub on the used market .

Good luck .