Advice on DAC/upsampler

I am seriously considering adding an outboard DAC/upsampler to my system to extract better sound from my large CD collection. Based on various reviews, the two units that seem to fit within my budget and offer good performance are:
1. the Musical Fidelity AC3-24 (which provides both 24-96 and 24-192 upsampling) (MSRP $1200);
2. the MSB Link DAC III with either the 24-96 upsampling module or the MSB 24-192k Network module ($700-800).

I have not included the Perpetual Technologies P-3A unit on my list ($800) because -- at this time -- it only offers 24-96 upsampling.

Do any of our readers have experience with either of these units. Since I have read most of the reviews available on these units, I know their relative strengths and weaknesses, so I am looking for direct, "hands-on", "heard it with my own ears" impressions.


Scott C-

Showing 1 response by thorty40

Hi, I had the MSB Link Dac 3 and thought the Art DI/O modded by Bolder cable Co. w/ external power supply was a better performer in spades. I have not the heard the other 2 Dacs in question, I hope this helps.

For any more information about the Art DI/O check out

There is alot of information available at as well.

Now, if you were wishing the Art DI/O looked better, join the club :)

Good Luck,