Advice on CD transport

Here’s the situation:

Am purchasing two channel integrated amp with built in DAC shortly (likely Hegel H390. Love the DAC section).  Big CD enthusiast and I’m looking for a great transport under the $1k range (used is more than acceptable).  My issue is buying a standalone transport is too rich for my blood so looking for a CD player with awesome transport. I hate paying for the DAC in it I won’t be using but such is being audio poor. 
I’ve always liked the Rega line but am wondering what anyone has found/used.  If you’ve got any helpful input without getting into DIY, please feel free to chime in. 

Showing 1 response by astorey

You may want to consider a Denon 2910 or 3910. These sold for about 1k and 2K in Canada. Can be had for about 200 and 500 respectively. Great value. Both are great with SACDs. 3910 is worth the extra and does better with red books. If you can find a 5910 even better.  I have both and would have to go to something in the >2K range to get better. Yes, I have have had the oppo 205. I have also heard the new pioneer UDPs are great and have seen a few used ones around 1k.