Advice on a streamer

I'm starting to look into a dedicated streamer.  Recently, the CD's have been gathering dust while I hook up an ipad with the headphone jack to the preamp listening to youtube the majority of the time, and I'm ready to upgrade from that.  I have about 300 - 400 CD's that would be nice to rip to a server with some sort of loss-less format.  I'm still on the fence about that...nice to have, but I'm not completely sold on this yet (meaning that I probably won't buy any more CD's, so whatever I rip will be a one time thing (granted a long thing, but whatever)).  So if I sacrifice sound for ripping, then forget it.  I'm also a cheapish bastard that's not willing to drop a ton of money on a streamer. 

My current system is:
Marantz SACD SA8005
Krell KSP 7B (sometimes switched with a Berning TF10)
Mcintosh MC275
B&W 683

I've been looking at Cambridge audio and Cocktail Audio for streamers. I know the Bluesound Vault 2 would do the job, but, for what I've gathered, the sound quality just isn't up to par.  From what I've been reading, I will likely get Qobuz, as it seems to get more positive reviews than the other services.  

My budget is between $1000 - 1500 with some flexibility.  One key component is the thing that we both like and feel it would fit in with our system is a small screen on the streamer that displays the album art (I know we should base it on sound and sound alone, but damnit, it's 2021!  I want great sound and good looks!).  That's why I'm leaning toward the Cambridge audio CXV/851N or one of the Cocktail Audio ones.  I do not have a dedicated DAC unit and would prefer not to purchase one.  

Last item to throw out there.  I would to take the streamer (well, more specifically a hard drive with my music on it) to a cabin where I don't have internet access.  Do these/any streamers work well without internet access to see or pull up music from a hard drive on my phone using an app through bluetooth (does that make sense?)

Does anyone have experience or suggestions on the ones I'm looking at or others I haven't suggested?  Thanks!   

Showing 3 responses by fuzztone

The Novafidelity looks to be by far the best choice of the two. Only it's FM tuner seems redundant.  With it's remote it might work without internet. More research reqd. In my experience of trying 8 different streamers, none worked without internet. This IS a black hole in product design & availability.
Album art will be largely unnoticed on a tiny, far away screen. Try it, maybe you will like it.My exp has been to go with a loved DAC and keep the sources seperate. This route IS NOT for "cheapish bastids."
Bluetooth is compressed so you have to figure it is less that hifi quality. Otherwise phone control is via WiFi that seems dependant on the internet being up. You could always bring a $30 spinner along to the cabin and a few fave CDs.
Ripping CDs would not be a chore if you had done them incrementally as acquired. I've done this for decades as soon as I realized the convenience of playing files. AND for backup.
Ripped files on a good player SHOULD sound indistishguible from your Marantz except possibly direct compare.
Any way you go forward will sound so much better than yute on iPad that you are going to get lost.
I would try to buy the Nova/Cocktail on approval and see if it floats your trigger.

Good luck to you.
Maybe not but I still recommend trying the Novafidelity/Cocktail N25. If the remote works as claimed it's a no brainer. It has a better internal DAC and digial (USB) out for upgrade itis.
If you can't try to buy, and/or return you are on your own.
What part of the OP’s budget does a Lumin NOT for into?
And HOW does the Lumin app get such great ratings?
Actually my best rec within budget, all in, is Magna Mano Ultra & Shenzhen Gustard X16.