Advice for upgrading my system

I have been on Audiogon for about 6 months and I enjoy the expertise and reading the conversations. I am hoping to receive guidance to upgrade my 2 channel stereo.

I am now ready to upgrade and I have budgeted $30k to do so.

My current system is the following:

McIntosh MA 6600
McIntosh MP 100 Phono Preamp
Marantz super audio CD Player SA-11S2
Micro SeikiDD-40 Turntable
Denon DL 103D Cartridge
2-Monitor Audio PL - 100 speakers
1-Velodyne HGS12BGII Subwoofer
Sonos for DAC

My room has been acoustically treated in the
walls and ceiling by a company that specializes in this. 

I primarily listen to jazz, classical, and 70’s music.

Room dimensions are:
  ⁃ 30’ 6” long
  ⁃ 14’ 6” Wide for the first 12’ 4“ of the length and then
  ⁃ 10’ 4” Wide for the last 18’ 2” of the length

I consider the main listening area to be the 14’6” x 12’4” section.

I am looking forward to hearing your feedback. Btw, I live in Denver Colorado.


Showing 3 responses by bhc148

Two great suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to share your advice. I like the TT, I will look into the the cartridge, sub,
dac and the speakers. So far I am leaning towards the Sonos. 
What am I looking to improve?

Ultimately I have been influenced by hearing some incredible systems. As an example I listened to Brubeck's Take Five and I felt like I was sitting in the band and every instrument was clear, crisp and balanced. Mind you this particular system was way out of my reach.  My question is how do I approach that sound with my budget?

- Improved clarity and separation of the instruments
- Better sound imaging
- Speakers that sound great and that can handle to power of the McIntosh 

Thank you to all for the advice you are providing. Most of my knowledge is pretty dated so I am finding all the input very helpful.  So far a DAC, speakers and  cartridges are on the shopping list.  I will start to visit audio stores next week. Your knowledgable guidance helps with lowering the intimidation factor involved the shopping process. I will open my mind to consider a tube integrated amp as well. I didn't mention earlier, I am recently retired, this is a life time gift to myself. My continued gratitude for your advice.