advice for speakers both 300B SET and home theater friendly

Hi All,

    I recently got into trying a 300B SET amp.  Pairing with my B&W 805 D3 is interesting but the difficult impedance curve is probably cutting out a lot of the 300B SET magic. At the same time I have an opportunity to look for a speaker set primary for home theater and I'm wondering if there maybe something out there that's friendly/usable for both movies and SET tube music listening occasionally.  My Marantz SR7011 shares similar limitation as my 300B SET.  My Marantz is rated only between 8-6ohms and favors flat impedance curve. Some of the entry level Zu Audio seem interesting.  I'm not a fan of Klispch.  Looking to stay as far below $1000 as possible.  Appreciate your thought and suggestion.


Showing 2 responses by david_ten

+1 re Tekton and the Double Impact already mentioned. If size is a factor, you can look to one of the smaller Tekton Design speakers.

I like Zu, but I would pick Tekton over Zu despite their sharing the same breezes in Utah.
@ OP  I've had the Soul Superflys (with upgrades) in system. I've also had the Tekton Double Impacts (with upgrades) in system. Both systems were different / unrelated. The Souls, in their configuration were pricier than the DIs.

The Tektons would be my clear and easy choice over the Zus. My choice...yours may be different.

You can never know (on the forums) whose experience / ears are going to be closer to yours......I'd try whichever speaker comes up first at a good used price and if you don't like it, sell and go try the other. OR go with the trial offer on a new unit. All the best.