Advice about warm, gentle speakers...

Help. I need to use a home theater system for 2 channel music. The system is based on a mid-level Denon DVD player and a Denon receiver and right now the ONLY variable I can change is the brand of front left and right speakers (presently Paradigm Titans). I would like to get something that can soften the digital glare (besides turning down the treble!). The speakers need to be either monitors or small floor standers and I am aiming for a price less than $4,000 new or used. Finally, I am not in a location where I can audition different brands so I hope to narrow it down to a few choices for in-home trials. I listen to all types of music but not louder than about 80-85 db. From reviewing the forums it appears that more “serene” brands include Green Mountain, Spendor, Sonus Faber and Vienna Acoustics. I really appreciate any input on this—thanks in advance for the advice.

Showing 2 responses by mdhoover

"I can get the stands separately in addition to $4k for the speakers."

Then you will certainly want to audition the magnificent Intuitive Design Summits. I was (and still am) so thrilled with how they sounded, that I posted a review in November, 2005 on Audiogon. I don't really expect people to believe all of what I said, but hopefully it will prompt a few folks to at least LISTEN to these if they're in the market for speakers (even if they have to drive somewhere to do it--these are very special and it would be worth the effort, in my opinion). Only then will they see (hear) what I mean.

Here's the link:
Intuitive Design Summit Loudspeakers--An Unsolicited Review