advantages/disadvantages of 2 subs.....

Room 20 x 16...thinking of 2 10" subs...would this be wise?

Showing 2 responses by martykl

there is a white paper by Harman Internation on the benefit of multipe subs - you can search for it in these forums. Beyond the placement issues, distortion for any sub goees up with increasing spl and decreasing hz. At the lowest frequencies, you may get audible improvement by spreading spl over two subs (if you listen loud enough and there's low pitch information in the program material). BTW, A-gon member Bob Reynolds has been very helpful to me in this area - he recommends SVS subs and provided pretty compelling distortion specs to demonstrate just what a value they are. You might want to contact him, visit the SVS web site, & check Bob's contribution to the thread entitled "best inexpensive subwoofer".

God Luck


If you haven't noticed from the above post, I might also have pointed out that Drew is an excellent resource for this question as is member Shadome.