Adona Isolation Platforms

Anybody have any thoughts on Adona Isolation Platforms? Also, I recently started considering the use of platforms but to be quite honest, other than prop my equipment up, I really don't know what they do. Is there a sonic benefit? I don't understand if so, how this is possible. Also, what pieces should be isolated? Right now my main power amp is on a rack with all the other electronics ie preamp & CD Transport power conditioner. To the side I have another power conditioner from Core Power technologies up on an old speaker stand. Would this be a candidate as well along with a BlueSound Streamer and Ayre Codex DAC. My other system has a tube integrated amp which is raised off the ground on another old speaker stand. I have no idea, so any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Showing 2 responses by luvrockin

I believe there would be some sonic benefit to turntables, possibly CD transports and maybe even tube products but i have a rough time with other equipment and thats not to say they don’t help. Its just that I can’t see the logic. As for Adona, I’m not going to do anything with their products. They may be great but personally, I think whoever the dude is that answers the phone is not quite right upstairs lol? I went on the website and saw the business hours which I thought were strange. Anyway they say their open open until 9 pm M-F EST, so I called at about 6:00pm CST. This guy answered the phone and couldn’t give me any information about his product because he was at home and too tired lol! He said call back during business hours, which I thought I was doing in the first place. Anyway I get it, we all get tired after work, so I called back this morning. I got the same guy and started trying to get some info but half way through the conversation I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I kept telling him I couldn’t hear him and he said he was in the shop with no phone signal and asked if he could call me right back on my cell number. I said yes, absolutely because once I got the info, I was probably going to order something. Well, he never called me back. As far as I’m concerned, he blew me off twice. so he won’t be getting any of my hard earned cash. Still looking for input on sonic benefit if any. How about a slab of granite? Yes, no, maybe?