Admitting my error…

Admitting my error of some years ago, when downsizing residences I sold my 1500 lps (my father’s, uncle’s and my collection :) because, of course nearly everything is available digitally, I am considering getting back into vinyl. Kit-wise I’m looking at Dr. Feikert Venti/J Sikora Initial TT level - full kit approx $15k including phonostage.

The Joseph Audio/Doshi/Aurender/J Sikora room at AXPONA simply blew me away. Switching between amazing digital and uber-rich and detailed analog, I kept returning to the room like the sweets table at a Bar Mitzvah. I understand that at $250K the rig was 2x’s mine (Pathos Heritage/Tannoy Kensignton/Innuous MK3/Phoenix USB/NET/Chord HSM/DAVE w/ SJ DC4 ARC6 lpsu. But still the character of the vinyl sound was utterly entrancing.

My question: If I go this route, I’d like to "restock" my collection to some extent by purchasing a reasonably sized vinyl lot, then add selectively over time. Any recommendations as to lot purchasing? ("Don’t do it!" is an acceptable recommendation.)





Showing 1 response by smandlej

If you are going to buy used vinyl you will need to purchase a decent record cleaning machine and replace cheap paper inners with anti static ones. I know as I have been buying used vinyl for years ever since the advent of CD's, when record companies promised that their back catalogues would be appearing on CD but never got round to until recently. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.

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