Adjust resistance & capacitance to

Hopefully, pretty straightforward. Vinyl sounds GREAT with one amp I have. With another that has a more extended high end, I notice some harshness on certain LPs. Was wondering if anyone had experience adjusting capacitance and/or resistance to smooth overly bright treble. My phono-pre has switches to accommodate different cartridges - both MM & MC. If yes, any advice on the direction to move things? Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by ghosthouse

Folks - thanks for the input. Discovered the reason for the poor sound quality when switching back to tubes (tube pre & monoblocks) was that the solid state integrated I had been using for the last 1/2 yr or so required the Heed's hi output RCAs. Forgot I'd made that change. Changed connection of the tube preamp to the low out RCAs from the Heed and things went back to sounding really great. Useful to have confirmed both load and impedence settings can be useful for "tone adjustment".