Look into either a 215 or larger VMPS sub. They are totally adjustable to your room/system and can be bought with amp, with outboard amp, or without amp. I have the 215/with VSS upgraded driver and the bass blends with very quick speakers so that you have NO idea there is a sub in the room except the box. The dynamics and sound quality are unmatched at anywhere near the price. You could get one with an amp new for under 700.00 delivered to your door for the 215 or under 900.00 delivered for the larger. You can make the sound rounder, if prefered, or tight and punchy, or anywhere between. Just plain awesome sub.
Adding Sub to current system
I currently have a pair of Sonus Faber Electa speakers. These speakers have 6" and 1" drivers respectively and have a 1st order crossover. The popular magazine test disk demonstrate the speakers go down to about 40HZ. I'm interested in what I'm missing below 40HZ besides just a non-musical "BOOM". I know for a price musical Sub's are available, but would it be an exercise in futility trying to integrate a Sub into my system? The spot I would choose for it would be to the left of my speakers in a corner - your thoughts please!