Adding second "dedicated" breaker box.

I am getting ready to hook up 3 20amp dedicated lines for my system and am wondering if installing a second breaker box directly off of the main line would be worth the effort. I thought this would be a better set-up than running them off the main box or a sub-panel. Thanks for the replies in advance.
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Showing 2 responses by rex

Your power utility would probably have to pull new mains to your residence, which would cost big bucks. Unless you have a top-notch electrician, you can introduce some pretty serious grounding problems throughout your house with multiple mains panels. I know of one large house with a multi-panel setup that is a grounding nightmare.

I'd say it's not worth it. If you have the capacity in your existing panel, run a sub-panel. That's what I did. I have a 50A sub-panel dedicated to my big audio rig that's in the crawlspace directly underneath the system. My panel-to-outlet runs are about 3' long. Zero ground problems.
Lak - you should definitely rethink your grounding scheme. It's illegal and potentially dangerous.