Adding a tube DAC to my BLUESOUND VAULT

I recently purchased a used BLUESOUND VAULT ( cd ripper and streamer) and after reading a lot of posts on various sites I may add a Tube DAC in the $500 or less price range to my setup  I have the VAULT hard wired via CAT 6 > RCA out to RCA INPUTS MFA MAGUS A2 tube preamplifier > MEITNER MTR101 MONOBLOCKS > BOZAK URBAN speakers. So, thank all in advance May I have some ideas and suggestions please?

Showing 2 responses by agentwja

Jetter I appreciate your reply. I saw your post regarding the CAT 8 and have that on my shopping list based on your post. My run is about 50ft by the way so it will set me back around $180.I wonder if the Bluenode has the same internal DAC that my Vault has? Agentwja 
Thank you all. I am just now starting my search and may have to consider SS to stay on budget.