Adding a Second Sub

I am debating buying a second sub to have stereo subs. I have Sonus Faber Extremas and a Rel Stentor. I would really like to hear from people that have done this and what they thought of it. Were there any drawbacks? What were the advantages? Did it make a huge difference?

Showing 1 response by faberryman

Re: directionality of subs:

I have a REL Strata III in the right corner of my listening room. On the 4th track of James Taylor's Hourglass CD, beginning at around 3:50, there is a drum roll which goes from right to left on the soundstage, with a big whack when it reaches all the way to the left side. You'd never know the sub was on the right side. Absolutely amazing. Try it yourself.

Sugarbrie, I listen to a lot of classical music and am glad to hear that placement of my sub in the right corner is correct!