Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?

I think we can all agree that threads about tweaks like fuses, stones, mats, power conditioners etc. stir up all kinds of controversy, conflict and ill will.


Short of banning discussion of these controversial topics, is there another solution to this problem?


I got this idea from teo_audio’s comments about a solution implemented at Canuck audio on another thread:


“Canuck audio tames it by having a cable and tweak area for threads. Where any counter to the idea that such things are functional (in attempt or in analysis), is not tolerated.


Meaning.. threads where people discuss tweaks, or mods or cables and so on, if a naysayer posts there, and interrupts the discussion, in any way, they get their posts deleted. And...if the given naysayer can’t hold their tongue, after said deletion-ish warnings..... they will, rapidly, via any repeats in behavior, find themselves banned from the forum. They have to grow up, or get lost.”


You may not like parts of his description, but I think the idea has real merit.


I propose a new “safe haven” sub-forum, with some special rules, for the discussion of tweaks. These rules would ONLY apply to this specific sub-forum, the current rules would continue as they are in all other areas.


The special rules would be along these lines:


Posts that categorically deny the possibility of tweaks having any effect or value are not allowed.


Posts proclaiming tweaks to be “scams” “cons” etc. are not allowed.


Posts that directly state, or imply, that another poster is lying, are not allowed.


Posts that make absolute negative statements like “Science proves it can’t work.” are not allowed.


Posts demanding measurements, controlled listening tests etc. are not allowed.


Posts that express skepticism (without making absolute negative statements), ask tough questions, or request more information are welcome.


Of course, some who hold the above opinions may object, but they would still be able to express those opinions in all other parts of the forum, just like they always have.


What do you think?


Showing 2 responses by cd318


'Posts that categorically deny the possibility of tweaks having any effect or value are not allowed.'



'Posts proclaiming tweaks to be “scams” “cons” etc. are not allowed.'



'Posts that directly state, or imply, that another poster is lying, are not allowed.'



'Posts that make absolute negative statements like “Science proves it can’t work.” are not allowed'



'Posts demanding measurements, controlled listening tests etc. are not allowed.'



In fact all of the above suggestions amount to little more than plain censorship.

Don't you think there's enough censorship in the world already?

Without debate there's every chance of this forum descending into little more a vehicle for free advertising. 

Often for products that bear more relationship to snake oil than sonic excellence.

A few would be entrepreneurs might prefer it like that, but what about the common good?


If a product is good enough to make it on its own merit, then it's good to withstand closer inspection, isn't it?


If you want a seperate section for such unfounded speculations, then fair enough.

Just make it clear that it has nothing to do with any accepted orthodoxy, evidence or any scientific reasoning. If you want to call it a cultish indulgence, go ahead.

It might be fun but you mustn't imply it's factual.

Remember, times are hard for many people and we would
not want folks new inexperienced to audio to throw money away chasing someone else's hand shadows, would we?


"I discovered why i was a bad musician , i lived all my life more used to perceive rythm and harmony than melody, with not much melodical memory but an increase power to perceive forms and dynamical shapes linked to block of chords more than to melodical line... My attention to music is related to spatialization by timing of some chords which appear isolated in my attention window like a geometrical form moving, a surface speaking to me like a human face...This explain why while many listened to beatles in 1964 i was myself immersed in ancient choral music to perceive these moving forms and speaking faces..."


The money is in the melodies!

At least in the so-called Popular music.


I’ve always regarded myself as a terrible musician, but this I put down to poor musical memory.

Oh how that middle C would drift in my memory...!