Adding a power trigger to an amp that doesn't have one

Hello Everyone, 

I might be buying an amplifier that has a remote but doesn't have a 12v trigger port. I need it to have one so that I can turn it on with a 12v from my AVR. 

Is there a device that on one end has a 12v(mono standard 12v plug) and on the other end an IR transmitter that can be programmed to the power button of the remote from the amp? 

I don't want to use a universal remote since none of them have the mouse/pointer ability to move like the LG magic remote (at least from what I could find). 



Showing 1 response by xcool

Hey @ajones82,  sounds like you have the same problem that I had in this thread:

Check out my solution.  I use a combination of this emotive module with a IR controllable AC Socket.  Somehow I can't find the IR controlled AC Socket in eBay anymore, but I found this:

It seems to do the same thing.

In my case, it works perfectly.   Hope this works for you.
