Adding a maple platform to an existing wood rack

I am considering getting a 3" thick maple platform from either Timbernation or Tony's Woodshop. What is the best way to couple this to the top shelf of my RIX RAX. I now use the 2- shelf Rix stand that is on most of my system page photos. My thought is use Mapleshade Isoblocks or a like product.On a similar thread, a company called Atlanta Vibration pads sell an Isoblock type product for a lot less money. Their product is 1" high, while the Isoblock is 1 3/4" high. I use one suspended table, and one Non-suspended table. My floor is suspended, but has numerous floor jacks below the floor, so it's pretty stable. Lastly, do you think it's overkill to get a 3" platform since the Rix itself has such a substantial top shelf,which is also solid maple. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by ska_man

Fine tuning your system with different species of wood?
Here is a very short list of wood platform choices and what to expect by using them.

Spruce - cleans up the overall sound
Satinwood - dulls things down a bit
White Pine - adds a fair amount of brightness
Black Walnut - slightly darkens the presentation
Ebony - significantly darkens the presentation
Water Gum - adds a tube like liquidity
Butternut - is great for adding a touch of richness
Zebrawood - blends in so well you will barely notice it all

Seriously, Maple is an excellent choice. And, Cinellipro's suggestion looks pretty good.
Inna: Do you currently have your turntable on the floor?
If so, what species of hardwood is the flooring made from?
And , is it solid wood flooring or laminated?
Since you want to keep the tonal balance as is, get a platform made from the same species of wood as the flooring. This should minimize the potential coloration issue to some degree.