Adding a 2nd Power Condition vs. a Newer/Larger 1

OK, I am asking for advice on a current delimma. Currently, my main A/V system - in my "man cave" - is powered by a Monster Home Theater Reference HTS 3600 MkII. A pleasant problem to have - I have plumb run out of outlets. So, my question is:

What is the sonically superior solution? 1) I can either purchase a 2nd power conditioner (hopefully 1 identical to the one I have)...or, 2) just purchase a newer & larger one.

If I choose option 1, what is the best way to prevent potential ground loops? Do I plug it into the same outlet as the first one or into a separate one? 2 conditioners mean some components will have to plug into separate conditioners - how best to figure out which ones to be plugged into which conditioner?

If I choose option #2 - recommendations for a reasonably priced unit with loads of outlets. I am not intending to power one of the 5 NYC burroughs, but I do want the best unit I can afford from a sound reproduction perspective.

Thanks in advance for the quality answers I know I will receive.

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Showing 1 response by almarg

I would suggest a third option, which is much less expensive than the other two, and won't introduce ground loop issues. Just buy a quality power strip that does not have any filtering or surge suppression whatsoever, and use it to expand the number of outlets. Plug the power strip into one of the outlets on the HTS3600, and plug into the power strip two or three or four components (as necessary) which do not need to have any isolation or filtering between them (such as line-level analog components).

-- Al