Added an SUT...not sure I understood this

I just added a Denon AU-320 step-up transformer in between my AT-OC9XML cart and my ARC SP-14 preamp.  I am glad that the (relatively quiet) hum that had been present before is now gone...and I mean gone...since that was what motivated me to add an SUT.


I sort of expected that I would also experience a noticeable increase in gain.  Specifically, using the 40-ohm (10X) tap, I would have expected maybe a 6-8 dB increase in volume, and more with the 3 ohm tap.  I am not hearing that, and in fact am getting the opposite effect.  This means I actually have to peg the volume control if I want to achieve 95 dB levels at my listening position, something I rarely, but still occasionally, do.

Also, I removed the 22-ohm loading resistor upon connecting the SUT.  I noticed previously that a 40-ohm loading still had the cart sounding pretty bright.  But with no loading and using the 40-ohm tap, things sound natural.  I sort of expected I was going to need to add a 40-ohm resistor (at the tonearm) to achieve the same loading.

All of this confuses me; I'm happy so far with the sound yet perplexed.  Perhaps some good Samaritan here will be able to explain why I am hearing what I am hearing.  in the meantime, I'm just going to enjoy my quieter background. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xwoofhaven1992

Showing 8 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @woofhaven1992  ; This was my very first post in your thread:


And this your answer to that:


Yes I have been using the SP14 with no SUT for some time, and the sound is great except for a touch of hum just at the level of the noise floor. I decided to fiddle with this SUT as a way of addressing that problem, which otherwise has been  persistent despite lots of attempts to address it, including having ARC work on the pre-amp twice.

You are correct that through the SUT I lose some resolution,  although I was blaming that on the crappy built-in output cable. I figured I could find a way to replace that but maybe I should, as you say, forget it.  "


You answer should been the end to your thread. Don't you think?



Dear @dover  : He already did it in this thread and in the cartridge loading one too. I can't understand why came here again with the same topic but is up to him:



Dear @atmasphere  : " Failing filter caps have a way of eating power transformers in older gear and you really don't want that happening!  "


Good to know that because this year I changed the filter caps in my 35 years old amplifiers.

Every day is a learning day.



@mulveling  : " and resume using it with the SUT! "


With all respect certainly you don't know what you are talking about in this OP specific issue.



Dear friends: This is what posted the OP:


"" @rauliruegas Yes I have been using the SP14 with no SUT for some time, and the sound is great except for a touch of hum just at the level of the noise floor. I decided to fiddle with this SUT as a way of addressing that problem, ....""


So, he already knows that in that way the QS is excellent but that hum. Nothing is perfect and always with trade-offs but that SUT the OP choosed is a bs of SUT, it's a wrong path not only for that cartridge but for any cartridge in any audio system.

In the other side if that hum is at the system noise floor then it's not really a problem to die for.



Dear friends: Sometimes happens things as what is happening here where several of you keep postng about that SUT when the OP NEEDS NOT any SUT to handle his cartridge.

Even if that vintage entry level SUT been in good shape it only can degrades the cartridge signal with out any quality improvement for the LP sound reproduction.


Well, go on on that " party ".



Dear @woofhaven1992  : For that cartridge you don't need to use any SUT. The SP 14 spec MC sensitivity is 0.25mv and your cartridge has an output 0.4mv, repeat you don't need any SUT and obviously not that low quality Denon that was a vintage entre level Denon line.


You need to read the SP 14 very carefully to make the rigth set up/gain for your SP 14 stand alone and check for every system link to avoid any hum/noise developed.


You are in the wrong path with a SUT, jus forgeret and focus on your whole system with that cartridge.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
