added hiss from spkr's

Addd an amp to the mix. SS multi-ch. Had no problems prior in relatively simple rig or atleast I did not notice. After making connections to recv'r(now used as pre/pro) I noticed a slight hiss/static like sound comimg from mids on my spkr's. So the process of elimination/isolation began. Long story short, I narrowed it down to the hiss/buzz coming from spkr's with only the amp connected. Nothing interconnects no nothing. That cancels out cable problems, bad dvd player, etc, etc. Just power cable plugged in and wires going from amp to spkrs. When powered on it makes the noise. Amp runs quiet as far as I can tell when putting ear next to it. What's the deal? Tried diff outlets, diff spkr...makes no difference. When taking amp out of the mix and connecting spkr's to recvr, there is no noise at idle. Amp plays fine/sounds fine but the noise, although slight, is bugging me to pieces. Amp was shipped to me and had shifted cady/catty corner while in it's factory packaging which is pretty substantial. Perhaps it took a hit/drop...weighs about 80 lbs! Could something have gotten jared loose...a transformer which it has two of and quite large. Or is it the nature of the beast to output some noise when at idle? Thank you.

Showing 9 responses by mnnc

Hens, Sometimes, perhaps one out of every ten 'power ons' the amp will emit a little vibration/rattle but then settles down to dead or near dead silent operation. I don't have any abnormal quirks like sound cutting out, volume change, run hot, harsh distortion, it operates fine imo. However, I don't have it on a test bench w/ test equip and would not know what to do if I was in such a sutuation. Question, amp and recv'r both have pwr cords that are 2 prong male/2 hole female. The cords are removable type but only 2 terminals vs 3 ? Perhaps a gnd issue? I assume the manufacturer designed it knowingly. Amp list 2k and recvr list 3k new. Although I did not pay that much. Should I forget about it and just crank it/enjoy!?
Tiffany...I have read according to ps audio's website that the unit will indeed eliminate all if not most of internal transformer hum. In fact, I visited the site to do some research and according to them, if I remember correctly, an amp that hums w/o any thing connected is perhaps in need of repair. But owners here say it's the nature of the beast!!!!???? I should be grateful it powers up and works. But that hiss, buzz, slight hum is still bugging me. I don't see how an electronic device that received superb reviews and price lists in the thousands can be broke if it makes a little bit of noise. But then again...?
That was/is a super price. It won't be the last though. What amps do you have? Have you isolated your pwr cords? Not an exagerated seperation but rather not touching. You may want to post a thread specific to your brand and make notes of feedback received by other owners of the same unit/s. I've tried to contact some people that have what I have but have not recv'd a response as of yet. Contacted the manufacturer via email a couple days ago and no word...waiting. I am going to call them direct. Let your voice be heard! Ask quesions until something is resolved is the way I see it. In the meantime go listen to some tunes...I am. Keep me/us posted.
Just realized something but don't know if it has anything to do w/ my stereo issues or not. My recv'r has 7A on the back and the amp has 10A on it printed. That is a lot of pwr consumption is it not?...well, my fuse box/circuit breaker in the garage has a bunch of switches/breakers that have me electrical jargon. Do I have a 10 amp breaker box as opposed to many people that refer to 15 amp or 20 amp braker box/line? If that is the case well, I have a prblem there as I would be drawing more than it is giving on that circuit wouldn't I. I am not an electrician by no means. I can do some basics like hang a ceiling fan/change a socket, etc. Any input...anybody?
Eldartford...recv'r has dedicated pre-outs for external amp. No amp ins but has analog external/multi ch ins for dvd-a/sacd. No jumpers. As far as shorting an ic, bridge the rca center post/pin to the side using a screwdriver or buck knife? And what do I look for/listen for then. Sorry for the ignorance. I'm learning.
Eldartford...specs read pre out (front, center, surr, surr bk, sw) 1k and then a little horseshoe looking symbol/ohm?and then 1.0V Chinese to me. Thanks for the schoolin'
those specs were listed after the output level listed the tape monitor rec and then pre out.