Add to Wedding Registry?

In the last 33 years since I gave my X a dishonorable discharge I have steadily slid into that male condition sometimes referred to as unmarriable, untrainable and “too set in my ways”.  I often reminisce that once upon a time I may have been widowed had she not been so nimble.

This afternoon I was shopping for Mogami 3103 12 AWG speaker cables on Amazon and was impressed that the option existed:  “Add to Wedding Registry.”

I still have a silver tea service that I have never used once in the last 45 years.  At least quality speaker cables are something almost everyone can use.  “Honey I’ve been looking over our Wedding Registry and made a few minor adjustments, just want you to know.”

I wonder if one can add a deer rifle to a wedding registry?

Yes life is still getting better every day.  It may be too late for me, but if I can pass along a little bachelor wisdom and make the world a better place….


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