ADD or Audiophile?

I’ve loved listening to music since a very young age, starting with my parents Grundig console tube stereo which they brought to the states when the army transferred my dad back to the US. I bought my first stereo components as a young teen and would sit in my dark basement bedroom listening to Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan…..In college, I’d sit and listen to music for hours.  Fast forward 40+ years…I now have a nice system. I look forward to weekends when i can listen to music in peace and quiet. What I’ve noticed is i can no longer just sit and enjoy music. I usually read (a lot of times Audiogon Discussion Forum) while listening. When a particular song comes on or a beautiful passage comes up, I focus on the beauty of the music and artistry of the musicians creating it, then its back to mental muli-tasking again. 
I suspect its some form of ADD, but I’d like to think that doesn’t disqualify me as an Audiophile. 
Anyone else share this “affliction?”


Showing 5 responses by ezstreams

LOL @czarivey !

I’ll have to try that ADD busting technique in a few months. I’m current recovering from total hip replacement surgery on Wednesday. Ive actually been looking forward to post surgery recovery as an excuse for extended 7 days a week (not just a few hours in the weekend wee hours) of music and reading enjoyment. 

@artemus_5  I’ll try to experiment with your theory. I have a Linn LP12 packed up (I only stream or play CDs these days) that i can set up after i can make room for it again. 
@bigtwin during those moments the music catches my attention, like you, I close my eyes which brings focus and adds the the enjoyment ( including roe-tapping but, for me no sleeping). 
The reason behind the premise of my post is after reading these forum posts over the years, I see so many members talking about spending hours enjoying their music with a glass of wine, tumbler of bourbon, a blunt, etc…but no mentions of reading like I do (usually Audiogon Forum, Stereophile, TAS, researching music or components, etc…). 
i THOROUGHLY enjoy reading these Forums and have learned so much from the experiences, opinions, and recommendations of contributing members.  I’m 67 and enjoy learning.  I’ll keep working until i stop learning and contributing to the company I’ve worked in for 42 years. However, I’m going on ~57 years enjoying music and learning about audio which will continue ad infinitum. 

@oldaudiophile thats a beautiful piece of furniture and family memorabilia.

Here is the piece my parents brought back stateside with them in 1958.

  • Apologies if the image doesnt fit.  This is the first time I’ve entered anything except text in a post  


@oldaudiophile 😀 i grabbed that Grundig photo off the internet. Unfortunately, my parents console was sold or more likely discarded many many years ago☹️. It would have been a really neat piece of music nostalgia to keep☹️☹️