Adcom DAC

How would the Adcom gda-600 dac compare to some of the new DACs available today? Basic system, Rotel amp&pre-amp, Denon DVD and Von Schweikert speakers.
the gda-600 is ok for an entry level dac. i use the adcom gda-700 in my den setup. the 700 is another couple levels up from the 600. as for any 16 or 20 bit older dacs, i think a lot of them are better than some of the current 24/96 dacs. last time i purchased a dac, i listened to quite a few newer dacs and i ended up buying the audio research dac2 and a manley dac. i know somebody selling a 700 if interested.
the 700 has hdcd, balanced outputs, better chips, and just sounds better. i used to also own the 600.
I just purchased a GDA-600. I know it's all relative, but it seems to have made quite a difference between my Apple TV and Adcom-565, 555II.

I do notice a very soft buzz/hum from the unit. Does anybody know if that is normal or is something wrong? The seller forgot to send me a power cord (which is on the way), so I just used an old cord from a Dell PC. Could that be part of the problem.