I believe Kalali is right on the money , i have a Adcom gfa 555 mk 2 and paired it with a ss audio research ls3 and later a rogue audio perseus magnum preamp (tubed) retubed w/ nos holland amperex bugel boy 12au7 , and boy did that ever liquidate the music thru the adcom, also connected my B&K 442 amp to both preamps, again the tubed preamp creamed the ss preamp in midrange up thru highs. Poor mans james bond stereo ! By the way i long ago owned a gfp 750 mosfet adcom preamp paired with 4 nad 214 amps in strap mono thru a pair of paul barton psb stratus gold spkrs, that was my first dive into uh hum high end audio, for a very poor man at the time. Had a micromega stage 5 cd player and a rotel rcd 950 , the micromega was better, but the rotel fooled me for the 1st and even 2nd listen , but the micromega just had better midrange , rotel more boom and sizzle which sounds enticing at first.
Does ADCOM still make products and most importantly sell products?
I bought a amp/pre-amp combination (710 for the preamp and maybe 5300 for the stereo amp), and it was the worst electronics I have had in my house in 40 years, that is, beside NAD.
Both components started to malfunction majorly just after a few months (pre-amp volume control having a mind on its own, amplifier was discharging loud every couple minutes).
They both times promised me that they would exchange mine for new, so after agreement, I sent my gear back to them, and they sent it back to me with the same problems... we did that a couple times.... I think the tech guys were billing the department for new units, kept them for themselves, and sent me back the same crap untouched.
I could tell both times that the gear was untouched by adcom as I had marked the units on frames.
I feel like this kind of fraud is happening a lot, especially this time of the year when audio gear dealers offer "black friday deals", but in fact, they sell refurbished units thinking you won’t see anything.
Adcom, dealers selling refurbished as fresh from factory, thoughts?
I bought a amp/pre-amp combination (710 for the preamp and maybe 5300 for the stereo amp), and it was the worst electronics I have had in my house in 40 years, that is, beside NAD.
Both components started to malfunction majorly just after a few months (pre-amp volume control having a mind on its own, amplifier was discharging loud every couple minutes).
They both times promised me that they would exchange mine for new, so after agreement, I sent my gear back to them, and they sent it back to me with the same problems... we did that a couple times.... I think the tech guys were billing the department for new units, kept them for themselves, and sent me back the same crap untouched.
I could tell both times that the gear was untouched by adcom as I had marked the units on frames.
I feel like this kind of fraud is happening a lot, especially this time of the year when audio gear dealers offer "black friday deals", but in fact, they sell refurbished units thinking you won’t see anything.
Adcom, dealers selling refurbished as fresh from factory, thoughts?