Adam Audio of Germany

Has anyone heard any of the Adam Audio home speakers?

I attended AES in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago and heard their studio monitors. I was very impressed with their designs, especially the folded ribbon tweeter, a descendant of the Heil Air Motion Transformer. They were the best sounding studio monitors in the show IMHO.

The Adam home speakers are not yet being imported to the US. I was wondering if any forum contributors may have heard these in Europe and if so, what was your impression?

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You should hear the new SA7, with the Precision Devices woofers,just made for the film industry in Bollywood.The most amazing aspect was that all 7 drivers sounded like one,an amazing feat for such a large speaker.Plus the damn thing went devastatingly loud.I spoke to Klaus the owner/designer,he is really quite brilliant,and can hear really well too.Good fun.