Acurus Act-3 volume level

I have an Act-3 with ABM and it seems like I have to turn the volume way up to get any kind of respectable SPL. I have calibrated my system with Avia and most of the channels are set individually to about 60-65. To achieve an 85dB SPL reading with a test tone, I have to turn the volume up to about 65.

Do any of you other Act-3 owners notice this lack of volume?

I am using Acurus A250s so I have plenty of power.

Snicka: I think that the units with adjustable input gain are designs that do not allow analogue pass through. If i recall correctly, the ACT 3 does allow pass through, so it may not have this feature.

For those that are wondering what pass through is, it allows an analogue source to remain analogue as it passes through the pre / pro. If a unit doesn't offer analogue pass through, an analogue source ( tapes, FM, vinyl, etc... ) are converted to digital signals at the input and then converted back to analogue signals to feed the amplifier. As one might guess, there can be quite a bit of signal degradation in such a scheme and that's why so many people made such a fuss about lack of analogue pass through on early processors. Sean
Thanks for your reply.

I was just curious if there was an issue with my unit or if all Act-3 owners have the same experience.

I don't think the Act-3 has adjustable input gain.

Thanks again.
Most Pre / Pro's are very low in output. As such, you have to crank the gain WAY up to achieve what may be a normal listening level. I just got an email from someone asking a very similar question. We are currently trying to track down the source of compatability problems via some simple measurements.

As a side note, some Pre / Pro's have adjustable input gain on them. The default may be quite low, providing quite a bit of headroom so that the input stage doesn't saturate. By increasing the input gain, you can raise the volume of the system as a whole, but you also stand to increase distortion. Getting something set up properly is very much walking a fine line in these situations. Sean