Acurus A150 v. Bryston 4b

Looking for a stopgap amp for my Magnepan 1.7s until I can fund the amp I really want. Acurus A150 or the Bryston 4b, opinions? The Bryston is not an ST or SST.

Showing 5 responses by jetter

There you have it, mb1 owes wolf.  And call this a hunch, but I don't think he wants it paid off in black fuses.

Then, on May 31, 2011 someone else added:

The GX3, GX5 are made in China. The new GX7 is made in California. The GX7 can be thought of as a repacked, reformated PLX1804 which is being discontinued... I don't work for QSC but I can tell you that the GX series is for entertainers on a budget. It comes with a 6 year warranty which shows that QSC is willing to back their stuff up. I owned the GX5 but switched to a PLX which I feel is better at driving bass frequencies such as subwoofersEnter your text ...

Per the QSC Audio Forum, which I had never heard of before this, the answer to the question Where are QSC amps manufactured? was answered as follows (ON MARCH 1, 2007 caps for emphasis):

Hi dominik

All but the RMX, GX, and ISA series amps are manufactured at our facilities/headquarters in Costa Mesa, California. The RMX, GX, and ISA amps are designed by QSC but built for us by a company in China.

Bob Lee
Technical Communications Developer
QSC Audio Products, LLC
Fellow, Audio Engineering Society

"I would never buy junk from china."  Curious if you mean audio or if you check everything you purchase for its country of origin?