Acrolink in-wall cabling?

I am in the process of running two dedicated circuits for my equipment. I will be upgrading the receptacles possibly to Oyaide SWO Series. Is there sonically a difference with the Acrolink in-wall cabling vs. 10/2 Romex? The Acrolink is quite expensive at $30.48 per ln. foot x 72 total ln. feet needed = $2194.00. I may be wrong but I believe the amount would be better invested in equipment and to just purchase 10/2 Romex. Is there a higher grade of Romex, or is the jump to better cabling that dramatic? I don't want to get too crazy with all of this but I do understand that with purer copper the better the sound. Thanks...Joe

Showing 2 responses by proclaim123

Thank you to all who have written in starting w/ Tvad. Even though I agree w/ Tvad that the $$'s could be spent wisely with helping out the Katrina Victims this is not the forum for that.
Lets not unrightly judge each other especially when it comes to preferene, thats a non winning debate. The reasoning for this question is strictly for the better option for a dedicated run. At one point there will be an inferior power source wether it be at the panel or receptacle. For the approx. 200 $'s for Oyaide receptacles and possibly even the carbon damponing plates (upon further study)using 10/2 Romex may be the way to go.
Is there a higher grade Romex without getting carried away. If money was not a problem then why not go dedicated back to the power plant? Realisticly speaking there needs to be a starting point. I feel that the extra $$'s could be invested elsewhere, which already have been.
Thank you all for your input and even more would be appreciated...Joe
Unfortunately, or may I add possibly fortunately I do not have an unlimited source of $$'s. If we all did It may have a tendency to get us into trouble. I might add that we would have some awesome equipment. Since the Acrolink is that expensive, I have not nor will be purchasing it. Just wondering if there is a better solution than just Romex at a blue collar dollar. Thanks again...Joe