Acoustical Solutions or Auralex LENRD bass traps

I would like to hear from someone regarding the effectiveness of Acoustical Solutions or Auralex LENRD corner bass traps?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by stevecham

Just before Thanksgiving I bought a box of eight Lenrd Traps from Guitar Center and installed them in the front corners as two stacks if three.

Wow what a difference. These are an exceptionally cost effective way to tame a large room if you don't mind their appearance. I find they look nice but depending on your room and WAF this could matter.

The soundstage increased greatly, there is more detail and depth to the music and the bass seems like it is now diffuse, non-directional, and all the texture and extension can be heard. I think they are good at removing phase cancellations. Overall I am very satisifed with this purchase and I highly recommend them to all agoners.
Check out

for technical data on the absorbtion band distribution of the Lenrd traps
Thanks Shadorne for extensive analysis. In my room, the Lenrds work well and I found them conveninet and ost effective for my set up. I certainly realize there were other options and for me it was a matter of conveneience and experience with Auralex's products in my home recording studio that led me in that direction. I'm a happy camper in any case. They certainly do make a positive difference in my listening room. Could it be better? Of course! That's one of the reasons why I enjoy this hobby.