Acoustic Zen vs. Nordost

I am thinking of changing my Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables for Nordost Red Dawn. I am not at all unhappy with my present setup, but I am wondering if I could bump it up a little.

My system:
Dynaudio Contour S3.4
Krell 400xi
Meridian G 08 CD
Red Dawn Interconnects
Listen almost exclusively to classical music.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
Yes Fatparrot, I did a home audtion of the Valhallas, starting with my digital front end all the way through to my speakers. Of all the different cables I audtioned, the Nordost cables were some of my least favorites, even compared to far less expensive wires. If you look up my system here on the GON, I don't think I disliked it because of some weak link that was being exposed by the Valhallas. We both know all our opinions revolve around personnal taste and system synergy, but I still think Nordost wires are vastly overrated and I don't accept the premise their so expensive because they are labor intense to manufacture. Hogwash! The critics say they love them and gave them great market value. I have at least three very good eared audiophile friends who did lengthy home audtions and could not believe how poor the sound to cost ratio was compared to other companies wires. So, I respect your opinion, you heard what you heard no doubt, I just hear it very differently than you.
Teajay says: but I still think Nordost wires are vastly overrated

Bingo!! There is a plethora of choices that offer better sonics at a much lower cost.
Reviews??? Spare me!!!!
After reading the responses to my post, I have just about been dissuaded from the Nordosts. BUT, I still have the upgrade bug.
Would the AZ Hologram wires offer any wothwhile improvement over the Satori? Thanks everybody.
Find a dealer that will allow you to evaluate both of them in your system. It is the ONLY way to know. Pay no attention to price and/or published reviews; let your ears be the judge.
Good listening!!
The Nordost cables with Solid State Gear make me think of the Triangle Speaker Sound. Thin, Fast, yet Mechanical and hard sounding. Completely unenjoyable in my book.

With your system, I would be looking at the Acoustic ZEN, Audience, or even the higher end Cardas stuff...