Acoustic Zen Silver Bytes digital cable

Anyone has any opinions in regards to this digital interconnect cable? I am considering it to use between my transport and dac. Currently I am using Philips DVD player as a transport for my Bel Canto DAC2 and very basic Monster coax between the 2. Just wanted to know if the set up would benefit from the AZ digital cable. I know this Philips DVD player is not the best transport, but for now all I am looking for is to upgrade the link to the DAC2.
All my cables are AZ and I just happen to like these, so I was considering the Silver Bytes coax...
Would like to hear opinions about this AZ cable. thanx

Showing 2 responses by teajay

I agree with Harnellt, the AZ mc2 is agreat step up from the AZ Silver Bytes cable and well worth the money. I had to spend another $1200.00 to get a cable that would out perform the AZ mc2 in my system. The AZ mc2 is a great sounding cable and a real bargain for the price,
The short answer is clearly no. The MC2 is a much more natural/musical cable then its little brother, so regardless of the systems overall sonic perspective you would gain nothing and lose alot.