Acoustic Zen Satori-How Good Are They?

Considering upgrading my speaker cables (AQ Clear SE). Short list was limited to AQ Dragon (hard to find) or Nordost SPM, but read the AZ Satori review where these are claimed to be as good as/better than SPM. Would like to hear the opinion of some "real" people who have experience with this cable...especially if you've also compared it to SPM/

Showing 2 responses by alexc

Thank you all for your posts. Olesno - I am not REALLY looking to fix a problem, just got a case of audiophile Spring fever. My system is posted in Virtual System (Endless Nights/Restless Days or something silly like that). Have a look if you have the time, as i've stated what it does well and what I want more of in my comments. Mfontana - Thanks. I have read all the SPM reviews out there and know it doens't work well in every system.
Olesno - Yeah, the link to Virtual System ain't very intuitive. This is in Beta phase on Audiogon, so I suppose it will get better. For now, click on "New Today", and scroll down past the classifieds until you get to the Virtual System link. Click..and voila!