Acoustic Zen or Harmonic Technology

I'm trying to decide between the Silver Ref II/ Matrix Ref II and the ProSilway III/ Prosilway II to firstly go from my CD player (Tjoeb 4000) to my preamp (Mcintosh C2200) and then from my preamp onto my amp (Mcintosh MC 402). I have AZ Satori speaker cables to Dynaudio Contour MK II's speakers. The question is given that I already have Satori's for speaker cable runs, should I go AZ in the interconnects too. I already own the Harm Techs which sound great already. Can I milk a little more out of the system if going Silver Ref II's from source to preamp and Matriz Ref II's from preamp to amp? Any other suggestions?

Showing 1 response by shion_ca

You'd be surprised but magic link / silver ref 2 make a nice combo. I find the AZ slvr ref 2's to be a touch hi fi sounding. Almost surreal in their clean sound. Not edgy but they present a lot of high frequency content in a demanding way. I currently use two magic links. The magics actually aren't quite as tipped up in the highs as the Pro-silway 2's I used to own. Given your list of options I'd go Sliver ref 2 / matrix ref 2 (which I've heard in combination). The matrix can be a bit grainy though but is a good choice to balance out the silver ref 2's. The magic's are a better balance than the matrix in my system.

Hope that helps