Acoustic Zen Adagio & Red Dragon Audio

This was our exhibit at T.H.E. Show and I felt we had one of the best systems at T.H.E. Show. Many people returned for a listen 2,3 and 4 times during the four day event. Numerous folks were stunned at the dynamics in the room and the low end reach of Robert's speakers.

The whole setup was quite a synergistic match.

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We'll likely display this setup at this years Rocky Mountain AudioFest as well. I enjoyed our time at T.H.E. Show greatly and met many fine folks while there.

We may also get out to the AK Show in Southfield, MI but we're not sure if that's going to happen for sure. If anyone out that way really would like to see us - we'll try to make it happen (maybe we'll be there in person or simply have our products there in a room with Rick Craig of Selah Audio).

If anyone out there thinks there are other shows we should attend let us know and we'll try to schedule them in so we can get out to visit everyone we can.

We're showing at the VTV EXPO on May 6th and May 7th.

We are going to be showing again with the Acoustic Zen "Adagio" speakers, the Modwright Denon 3910 CDP and the 9.0SE preamp.

For those that didn't get to hear us at T.H.E. Show, this will be your chance to stop by and say hello. We hope to see you there and bring some of your best CD's to spin! ;^)