Acoustic Suspension sound in 2020?

I really like the sound of the 1960's-1970's acoustic suspension speakers owning a pair of AR-11's.

For a second installation, two questions for you folks who know far more than I--
- First, what if any new speakers have a similar sound?
- Second, any thoughts on KLH 5 and 6 vs. Large Advents vs. AR-3/11 and/or others?

Budget--I'll figure out later...if ideas are expensive, why not have a lust list to go with the purchase short list???!!!

Thanks very much!

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Showing 1 response by ljgerens

If you like the East Coast Sound of acoustic suspension speakers of the 60s and 70s, I would suggest you look for a good condition vintage pair of the AR, KLH, or Advent speakers that you mentioned. I am not aware of any modern speakers that replicate the sound of these speakers. If you want information regarding specific AR or KLH speakers, I would suggest posting on Audiokarma. There are many East Coast Sound speaker enthusiasts on that site.