Acoustic Solid and Acoustic Signature are the outcomes of a split of the partners some time ago. It’s easy to grasp the many commonalities among both companies’ offerings.
The Solid units compete very favorably in the entry-level segment and give you a good run for the money. They are reliable decks offered at reasonable prices, performing clearly at a higher level in comparison to the usual suspects - Regas, Pro-jects, cheap DD. There are many ways of effective tweaking and modding that owners go through with great results.
However, if you match one of the heavier and more expensive AS models with a very good tonearm and matching cartridge then play original pressings you’ll be surprised by a performance much better than the asked prices suggest.
The Solid units compete very favorably in the entry-level segment and give you a good run for the money. They are reliable decks offered at reasonable prices, performing clearly at a higher level in comparison to the usual suspects - Regas, Pro-jects, cheap DD. There are many ways of effective tweaking and modding that owners go through with great results.
However, if you match one of the heavier and more expensive AS models with a very good tonearm and matching cartridge then play original pressings you’ll be surprised by a performance much better than the asked prices suggest.