Acoustic panels - how high?

Is there a rule of thumb on how high an acoustic panel should be hung? I have a number of 2'x4' panels I want to hang behind my speakers and at first and second reflection points. My walls are 8ft tall.
Do I center the panels vertically on the wall or, since the top of my monitor speaker is only 4' high, do I lower the panel and center it on say the center of the speaker cabinet ?

Showing 4 responses by rodman99999

Further info, here: ( & (
Regardless of a speaker system's dispersion pattern, sound waves travel in a straight line and their angle of reflection will equal their angle of incidence. Thus, an easy way to find the first reflection point, of the waves that will actually reach your ears, is via the method mentioned by Elwood. ( Yes- a panel that will disperse or absorb those reflections must be chosen.
I treated the top five feet of the wall behind my listening position with 2" Auralex Studiofoam Wedges, with LENRDs in the corners and accomplished the same effect. An added benefit is being able to listen at realist levels, without overloading the room. Happy listening!