Acoustic panels - how high?

Is there a rule of thumb on how high an acoustic panel should be hung? I have a number of 2'x4' panels I want to hang behind my speakers and at first and second reflection points. My walls are 8ft tall.
Do I center the panels vertically on the wall or, since the top of my monitor speaker is only 4' high, do I lower the panel and center it on say the center of the speaker cabinet ?

Showing 5 responses by rockyboy

Thank you but again I found no answer to my question. Exact heighth on the wall must not be critical to room treatment.
A lot of good info, but didn't find an answer to my high to hang the panels on the wall. Maybe it doesn't matter.
Very interesting. Thanks.. I've adjusted mine a couple of times but can't hear any difference. Of course, i can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning let alone how my system sounded before I moved the panels.
Thanks, good info. I have treated first and second reflection points on side walls and improved things quite a bit. Think I will now experiment with a panel on my ceiling. No mention anywhere about treating the front wall either directly between or behind the speakers. Any thoughts?
Thanks for your input. System has now evolved to final incarnation. I've addressed the room acoustics to the point that I can finally sit back and enjoy the music.