Like almost all room acoustic treatments let your ears be your guide. Since it is almost completely unpredictable how a particular room will interact with X brand speakers unfortunately the only way to achieve optimum or even good results with panels is to experiment - one panel at a time. I.e., if you try to find the best locations with multiple panels at the same time, with the panels all on in place when you listen, it's like trying to solve three simultaneous equations in four unknowns. Tip: when listening to one panel, keep all the other panels in another room otherwise they'll interfere with your experiment, then introduce one panel into the room at a time and listen again.
Acoustic panels - how high?
Is there a rule of thumb on how high an acoustic panel should be hung? I have a number of 2'x4' panels I want to hang behind my speakers and at first and second reflection points. My walls are 8ft tall.
Do I center the panels vertically on the wall or, since the top of my monitor speaker is only 4' high, do I lower the panel and center it on say the center of the speaker cabinet ?
Do I center the panels vertically on the wall or, since the top of my monitor speaker is only 4' high, do I lower the panel and center it on say the center of the speaker cabinet ?