Acoustic Curtain for listening area

Hello all ....I'm polling everyone who can recommend a super heavy duty non reflective curtain for the left side of my listening area which opens up into a large open space / dining room and reflects ....Seems like all the stuff on Amazon/eBay is cheap Ikea crap....any help appreciated . Thanks 


12 FT Width

7.5 Height



Showing 12 responses by tommypenngotti



yes good point , did a bit of that last month , very good advice to follow . Thanks ! 

@desert38 @ditusa

I checked out Quiet Curtains and got a (with due respect) a ridiculously high quote that went upwards of $2000+ with a track...


thank you though !



Thanks buddy - those look nice , might give it a whirl...some of those sound blankets online look like they'll make my room feel like a service elevator...😵‍💫

@david_ten yes , not ideal listening situation , but it’s all I’ve got as of now....right side is a wall (which I might treat as well... left opens up into big living room / dining room (reflective)....was thinking close me into a sound listening box to kill reflection...

also been looking at black moving/sound blankets


Thank you all ...I decided to pull the trigger on the , I'll report . 


I went with Full Black Sound Absorption Sheets - 

I plan to pull them down on non listening nights.

Ease of use ....quick hanging knob / screws....look nicer than the packing blanket look ...




I know...the dreaded tv...I like to run vids of bands that correspond to the LPs when listening....might have to just deal w some reflection on some occasions and other times cover it...thanks 



thanks , yes planning on adding more absorption to opposite wall...thanks for the info ...


I just threw up a blanket over a beam that goes across my living room listening area and it blocked/absorbed a bunch of I'm going with treating both sides , haven't decided on right side because it's a wall ...more likely to throw up some absorption panels there ....

was about to pull the trigger on these panels in link (I like the look) strange , multiple sellers from Ukraine, the shipping is fierce and one seller had "Free shipping" but he marked up the panels so high it equaled the exorbitant shipping , I give up 😒....I think it’s all the same guy trying to lure posing as different sellers



Report : 

The Audimute sheets are very nice and work extremely well to absorb sound , what a difference ....