Acoustat electrosts

hey anybody know where i can get my acoustats upgraded? i'm looking for the medallion upgrade and i'd like to get the caps upgraded. i think the panels are ok for now. i have model IIIs - Los Angeles area would be ideal but anywhere that does a good job is ok. rockford isn't doing work on these anymore, by the way.

Showing 3 responses by eddie

The going rate for a used pair of Acoustat x's with servo tube amps is 700-1200 bucks. The parts bill for the amp upgrades is about $500.00. The work is easy, but time consuming. Contact me if you locate the amps; I'd be happy to help with the mods list. Good luck! Ed
Don't bother with the Medallion upgrade. Lose the transformers, and seek out a pair of the original Acoustat X Servo tube amps to drive the panels directly. The improvement is staggering. The servo amps can be upgraded significantly with better parts. Ed
Your model 3's will sound better than the x's. The idea is to obtain the tube amps, modify and upgrade them, and connect them directly to your 3's. I have a pair of the amps running Acoustat 8's. It's a wow! Ed