Accurate vs Musical

What is the basis for buying an "accurate" speaker over a "musical" one? I am very familiar with most audiophile jargon but this is one that confuses me. Musical to me means that the speakers convey the "air" or/and overtone of instruments.

"Accurate" on the other hand is what, the accuracy of a single note? If accurate does not convey the space of an instrument, how can it be defined as accurate? I can understand why an "accurate" speaker can be used in a recording studio or as a studio monitor but for casual listening/auditioning?

Thiel is an accurate speaker but Magnepan is more musical so which would truly be more faithful to the original source? Someone please clear this up for me. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by shadorne

I'm with Bob P. and Pbb on this one. You could not have said it better. Accurate is supposed to produce what goes in.

Garbage in will be garbage out and an accurate speaker will not hide a bad source one bit, whereas a "musical" speaker can at least improve somewhat a poor input, granted at the expense of some detail/accuracy. I equate "musical" to a warm or resonant sound with added even harmonics; even harmonics are naturally part of music and voice and therefore sound rich and natural to our ears (unlike odd harmonics or IMD distortion which sound unnatural to our ears and are best avoided).