Accuphase &Proac

I have just upgraded my system to accuphase A-45 amp, C2410 preamp, and CDP 67, i am looking to match them with the new Proac D38R, i am a little concerned that the low output of the amp may not boost the speakers loud enough??

Showing 3 responses by ejlif

Sounds like a valid concern. If you have a very big room it might not be the best match.
You need to take into account the size of your room more than anything. If it is a big space then no 30 watts is going to sound weak. If it's small, like 12x16 or so then you might be OK. I have been amazed at how much different an amp can sound in my huge living room vs my bedroom.
Oh and you could try emailing Proac to see what they think but they probably won't respond. I've tried numerous times to get a simple question answered and it took forever for them to respond and then they really don't answer the question either. They are not one of the best companies when it comes to customer service.