Accuphase preamp choice for p266 need help

Hi guys, I’m trying to choose preamp from the late 70s early 80s for my accu p-266, I’m listening rock and heavy metal mostly but sometimes listening jazz and other genre. I’m listening my stuff from my garrard 401 and my laptop but later plan to buy tape deck, can u give some advice what to choose c-200L? Or maybe earlier models are better and what u think about c222 and c200 or c240 ?
I've asked about preamp choice cuz c-222 looks like built to be a phono stage more than preamp and looks slimmer compare to 200l for example, so I thought that maybe 200L more serious as a preamp first of all
I have it paired with an Accuphase C-222. Works really for me. I listen to all types of music including rock, metal, jazz, classical (so all types!). FYI: my main source of music is Cambridge CXN and sometimes Linn LP12 and output to a pair of Linn Sara's.