Accuphase P-7100 or A-65?

After quite a long quest for attaining audio nirvana I now feel that (with my limited budget) in order to satisfy my musical thirst the Accuphase line of products is the way to go. In a country where there is no option at all for auditioning any high-end audio equipment, it is almost impossible to pin-point merits and demerits of the individual component, let alone trying at home in the familiar environment. I have tried quite a few (in the demo environment), though, during my overseas trips in recent months. Hence, the query is directed towards the Audiogon community around the world, particularly those who won or have experience in Accuphase products. My short-listed products are: Pre-Amp C-2410 or C-2110, Power-Amp A-65 or P-7100 and CDP DP-500 or DP-400.

My current setup is CDP: Audio Aero Capitol MKII, Pre-Amp: Bryston BP25DA, Power-Amp: Bryston 7BssT, Speakers: PMC IB2 (4 Ohms) and Usher BE10 (8 Ohms), Interconnects: Accoustic Zen Silver Reference and Matrix Reference, Speaker Cable: Accoustic Zen Satori Shotgun. Room size: 15’(w) x 12’(d) (with both sides opening from 6’ sidewalls) x 10’ (h). I only listen to CDs.

For Pre-Amp I would probably go for C-2110 due to my budget limitation. Since the Redbook CDs are the only universally accepted format and since I have got quite a good collection of them and also for attaining a total synergy in the chain either of DP-500 or DP-400 is good to go. The dilemma I’m in now is, which Power-Amp to go for. P-7100 or pure Class A A-65? I mostly listen to Jazz and soft rock. My musical preference is sweet mid bands and expanded hi nodes with fully coherent solid bass punch and depth, but it doesn’t have to be granite (crude) solid. I would like both of my speakers to be driven at ease (both of them need a bit of power muscle) and enjoy the music for hours together.

Can any Audiogoner (based on experience) please shade some light on the Amps’ performance in terms of reproduction of music in coherence with the rest of my components and help me decide which way to go?

Thank you in advance.
My Apologies, Guys! Instead of Monophonic configuration, it should be Bi-amping configuration.

Another idea! A mix and match bi-amping scenario! If I retain my Bryston 7BssT mono blocks and use them as Bass Amp and use Accuphase say, A-65 for mid and hi frequencies, how would they sound? Did anybody try such a mixture of amplification?

For Pre-amp I am going for C-2410.

I understand, Accuphase is about to replace DP-500 by DP-510 in about a couple of months, which is why my current CDP Audio Aero Capitol will stay.
Can`t comment on these particular amps but my warm recommendation is to choose older DP-67 over DP-500. I have owned both and 67 is much better sounding. Far better DAC-s and output stage in 67.